The "Why" Behind My First 26 Years As A Chiropractor
Mar 13, 2023Treanor Chiropractic Wellness Center is coming up on our 10th Anniversary here in the 4161 Capital Drive location. How time flies! This month also marks my 26th Anniversary of service to the community Rocky Mount, NC and its surrounding communities.
These milestones have spurred quite a bit of personal reflection.
There have been so many amazing things that have happened these last 10 years. When I stack them upon the experiences of the past 26 years, I realize just how important taking an inventory of sorts truly is. These milestones are worthy of taking time for reflection and giving thought to as they remind, restore and inspire me for another 10 (or dare I say another 26) years of service in this region.
Over these last 10 years specifically I can recount numerous events and stories that continue to inspire me to this day. Stories of how Chiropractic Care, more specifically Corrective Chiropractic Care, has restored people’s ability to live life as they were intended to live it, full of opportunity and memories that leave one with a smile radiating form their cores. Many who arrived at our office in a state of despair were filled with the joy of recovery and renewal as their body took the adjustments and went to work on their healing.
Top of mind is one particular person I'll never forget. We'll call her “Betsy” for the sake of privacy.
Her father was in the office for his regular wellness adjustment when he heard us discussing Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Gastric Reflux. As he sat there listening, he finally asked
Can this help a 5-year-old girl who has been suffering from that since birth? Who’s on 3 medications since being 3 months old?
“YES” was my reply!
After explaining that Chiropractic makes no claim to cure any disease yet when the subluxation is removed and the nervous system is released from interference that the body has the power to “self-heal and restore” from the “dis-ease” from which she was potentially suffering from.
The child was brought in, underwent our comprehensive examination process where it was determined that she had severe scoliosis. A corrective care plan was put into place.
The results even astonished me.
She came in on that first day listless, gaunt and scared. She was undernourished because she either could not keep food down or she had to have an enema to get it out of her. She was in the 65 growth percentile of her age group.
Within 3 days she was running into the office...full sprint! She'd grab her favorite Teddy Bear, ready for her adjustment. Her actions said more than any words her 5 year old vocabulary could possibly convey.
Within 2 weeks her pediatrician was asking why she had gained 4 pounds so quickly.
Her grandpa and grandma brought her in and asked what we were doing. I asked “what seems to be the problem?” They replied that they just went to McDonalds and she had a double cheeseburger, fries, a soft drink and a McFlurry, and she ate it ALL!
I replied “You took her to McDonalds?”
She was healed by the God-given power that is in her, in all of us, and that had been released through Corrective Chiropractic Care.
Then there was “Bob” and “Benson” and “David” and “Katherine” and “Lucy” and, and, and, and, and…
So why...why do I shake my finger and exclaim in my loudest voice,
Not today retirement! Not today Easy Street! Not today Rocky Mount!?
Because I have discovered a renewed flame in my heart of hearts! A new desire to dig deeper and to do more. I aim to serve this community at a much higher level!
I have discovered the power to deliver even MORE than ever before through the joining of medical and Chiropractic services here in our 4161 Capital Drive location. Where we've spent our first 10 years delivering the highest quality of health and care to patients. It is now that we will spend the next 10, 20, 26 even harnessing the power of combining the best of both worlds.
We will be undergoing the integration over the next few months so we can offer you a level of care and service in one package as they work together and achieve more than either one could do alone.
The true definition of synergy.
I have discovered how my team and I can deliver to you, our friends and neighbors, the power to heal and restore through the applying to and releasing of the body’s innate ability to heal, restore and renew.
So yeah… here’s to AT LEAST 10 more years. Let's do this!
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